From our Founder

"I am the type of person who wants to get my workout done in the quickest most efficient way possible. I don’t want to wait on equipment or feel embarrassed doing a movement like the hip thrust - especially when I am first learning how to do it and can’t quite figure out how to get everything set-up."

I firmly believe that heavy weight training is the absolute key to transforming your body. The only place you can typically find heavy weights is at the gym. For me that was a serious obstacle - I absolutely hate public gyms.

Initially, I paid a lot of money to workout one-on-one with a trainer four days a week when I first got into strength training. Even when I felt like I didn't need a trainer anymore, I continued spending the money because I didn't want to workout at a public gym.

My trainer had a private garage gym, and even though it was freezing in the winter, I still preferred the inconveniences of that space to the ones associated with going to a public gym (full disclosure, my trainer was absolutely outstanding and worth every penny - she isn’t in the business any longer or I’d drop her name).

I thought about creating a home gym, but I moved around frequently and didn't want to move thousands of pounds of equipment every year or two + I didn't want to take up space in my home with bulky equipment. That's when I got inspired to create my own private mini gym. If I was creating it for myself, I figured I should find a way to make it available to others who may be facing the same obstacles. Thus, Gym Pods was born.

If you’ve done a little googling, you probably noticed there is another company called The Gym Pod. They are a Singapore based company currently expanding to the US. They have a very similar concept where they are using shipping containers - it is pretty cool! I had already registered the business name before even finding out about that company, and ultimately decided to keep our name as Gym Pods since the brand look and feel couldn’t be more different.