Q: I just joined! Now what?

A: See the Welcome Guide to get started off on the right foot.

  1. Bookmark the membership portal and download the Gym Masters mobile app (download icons are on the membership portal login page).

Q: How do I make a reservation?

Watch this video or follow the steps below.

  1. Open the mobile app

  2. Click the three lines in the top left corner

  3. Click “Book Pod”

  4. Select a time by clicking on it

  5. Click “Book Now” then “Ok”

  6. Then “Confirm Booking”

*Important note: bookings are in 30 minute increments - if you want the space for longer, make a second booking.

Q: How do I access the membership portal?

A: You have to first be a member who registered via the link that was emailed to you. Once you sign-up, you can access the portal via the email and password used to set-up your account.

Q: How do I purchase a membership after using all the bookings from the single 30 minute booking or a promo offer (such as the VIP Special)?

A: Go to the member portal (note, you won’t be able to do this from the app) and click “purchase” and then click “new membership” and select from the list. The system will automatically bill your card monthly. You can switch between the Casual, Loyal and Dedicated membership. Example, you sign up for a Casual membership and want to upgrade to the Loyal, you can do that. Or, if you want to switch from the Loyal to the Casual, that is fine also! You won’t be able to switch from a Casual, Loyal, or Dedicated membership to a Flex membership but you can do the reverse. So, you can upgrade from the Flex to the Casual, Loyal, or Dedicated.

Q: I am a trainer, can I train my clients in the pod?

A: Yes! As long as your clients have a Gym Pods membership, you are good to go!

Q: Can I share the space?

A: Absolutely! As long as you are sharing the space with other active Gym Pods members.

Q: If I cancel my membership, will I be able to rejoin?

A: The process will be the same as new members interested in joining. You will first apply to join the waitlist. If you are approved, you will be added to the waitlist. When we have an opening, we will notify the first in line on our waitlist to give them the option to join.

*Note that depending on how many people we have on the waitlist, it may take a few months to rejoin as a member.